Sylvain UTARD

#geek #passionate #entrepreneur #french #epita #c++ #java #ruby #rails #js #textmining #searchengine #lucene #bigdata #nosql

I'm currently VP of engineering at Algolia.

WorldCup 2010 SEO

Is it possible to vampirize traffic with an international sport event? Study with the World Cup 2010.

RailsRumble '09

The RailsRumble is a 48h contest where the goal is to build a Web application in Ruby on Rails in order to promote the community.

This year, we (Heavyweight rockstars) have made an iPhone application + web site. There were over 230 teams and we finished 15th.

Our tagline: “Ask and Tell Your iPhone where the party at!”

Live on BanKiZ on Facebook

Another Facebook application in RoR.

First facebook app

A small application RoR + Facebook to test what is possible.